Quick & Easy: Nginx with RTMP & DASH Streaming Support
Create your own vps streaming server :)
Sample 1080p60 AVC@10Mbps AAC@192kbps
VPS (or use your own)
- Go to digitalocean.com
- Create a account
- Select Size
- Select Region
closest to you
- Select Image
ubuntu 16.10 x64
Install nginx with rtmp
wget https://awesome.nwgat.ninja/nginx-rtmp/nginx-common_1.10.1-0ubuntu1.2_all.deb
wget https://awesome.nwgat.ninja/nginx-rtmp/nginx-full_1.10.1-0ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb
dpkg -i nginx-full_1.10.1-0ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb nginx-common_1.10.1-0ubuntu1.2_all.deb
apt-get install -f
or you can follow Building Nginx with rtmp support
Setting up
ufw allow 1935
(rtmp)ufw allow 80
(dash)wget https://awesome.nwgat.ninja/nginx-rtmp/rtmp.conf && cat rtmp.conf >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
wget https://awesome.nwgat.ninja/nginx-rtmp/dash.conf -O /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/dash.conf
rm -rf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
(interferes with our configs so backup if you need it
Setup Dash.js
cd /var/www && git clone https://github.com/arut/dash.js.git
cd dash.js && git checkout live
nano baseline.html
- replace
systemctl restart nginx && systemctl status nginx
Streaming (AMD ReLive)
there is no password or restrictions so you need to add ip whitelisting or user/password
Crimson Settings > ReLive > Streaming > Custom Stream
Server URL: rtmp://vpsip:1935/live/
Connection Key: live
Streaming Profile: Custom
(1080p60 @ 10Mbps/192kbps)
- The quality varies by scenes/games
- AMD seems to be doing CABAC coding with 2-Pass which is nice
- no HEVC streaming (yet) even with a custom server
- rant: why only 10mbps max?????
- with custom servers you can have a master stream at 25mbps and then transcode it lower on the server side
Streaming (OBS Studio)
there is no password or restrictions so you need to add ip whitelisting or user/password
- Settings > Stream > Custom Streaming Server
- Key is
- you can now play rtmp://vpsip:1935/live/live in your player
mpv rtmp://vpsip:1935/live/live
vlc rtmp://vpsip:1935/live/live
or watch it on the web http://vpsip/dash.js/baseline.html
Save Stream
ffmpeg -i rtmp://vpsip:1935/live/live -vcodec copy -acodec copy live.mp4
- https://gist.github.com/sandfox/3730253
- https://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module
- https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/how-to-set-up-your-own-private-rtmp-server-using-nginx.50/
- http://developers-club.com/posts/204666/